September 16 is Collect Rocks Day!

The excitement of going back to school is underway. The cool, crisp air of fall is just around the corner. Now is the perfect time to go for a walk and start a rock collection– or cook up some Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna (see below for the recipe).

Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna
Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna

In fact, September 16 is Collect Rocks Day. Yes, really! And what a great day for some rock talk. Did you know these fun facts about rocks and minerals?

*There are 3 major types of rocks: metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary

*Rocks can change from one form to another

*Approximately 65% of earth’s rocks are igneous

*Petrology is the scientific study of rocks

*Diamonds, affectionately called ‘rocks’ are actually minerals. (Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic (not living) substances. Rocks are made up of two or more minerals and can include fossils)

*The mineral childrenite was named after, not children, but a man called John George Children


Your turn. This or That?

Rocky Road or mint chocolate chip ice-cream?

Rock n’ roll or hip hop?

Pebbles or Bam Bam?


Scavenger Hunt

Can you find at least one rock in each of these categories?

  1. Brown, yellow, or beige (example: brown chert, brown quartzite)
  2. White or light gray (example: white marble)
  3. Red, pink, or rusty (example: quartz rock)
  4. Black or dark gray (example: basalt, slate)


And now for something delicious in honor of this auspicious day!

RECIPE:  Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna       

Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna
Sedimentary Pizza Lasagna


1/2 pound (8 ounces) ground turkey or beef

2 cups pizza sauce

1 egg

1 cup ricotta cheese

Oven-ready lasagna noodles

Sliced pepperoni

1–2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese



Frying pan

Spoon or spatula

Rectangular pan (8 x 10 inches or larger)

Heavy-duty aluminum foil



  1. With an adult’s help, cook the ground meat in a frying pan until it is brown. Drain off any fat. Add the pizza sauce and mix well.
  2. Spread about 1/2 cup of the meat sauce on the bottom of the rectangular pan. Top with oven-ready lasagna noodles, overlapping slightly to cover the whole pan. Top with more sauce—about 1/2 cup.
  3. Crack and beat the egg, then mix thoroughly with ricotta cheese. Spread half this mixture over the noodles.
  4. Arrange a layer of pepperoni next, followed by a sprinkling of cheese. Top with a layer of lasagna noodles.
  5. Repeat the layers. Cover the final layer of lasagna noodles with the remaining meat sauce and a generous amount of mozzarella cheese.
  6. Cover the pan with heavy-duty foil. Bake in a 375°F oven for 45 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 10 minutes. Can you still identify the individual ingredients?



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