Triangular Numbers--mmmm! recently made this lovely concoction. Doesn’t it look delicious? Scroll down  to find out more about triangular numbers… (BTW– how many triangles in total can you find in the picture of the Triangular Number Cake? Hint: think big AND small triangles)

She even contributed her own, sorta-family-secret recipe. This one is a little more involved, but it looks like it’s worth it, doesn’t it? Thank you, Jan!


unsweetened cocoa   3 Tbs + 1 ½ tsps

boiling water                           3 Tbs

vanilla                                     1 ½ tsps

eggs, large                               3

cake flour                           1 ¼ cups

sugar                                    ¾ cups + 2 Tbs

baking powder                        ¾ tsp

salt                                          ¼ tsp

unsalted butter (softened)     13 Tbs

Preheat oven to  350 degrees.

In mixing bowl whisk together cocoa and water until smooth.  Cool to room temperature, then add eggs and vanilla

In large bowl combine remaining dry ingredients, mixing on low for 30 seconds.  Add ½ of the chocolate mixture and butter.  Mix on low speed until dry ingredients are moistened.  Increase speed to medium, beating for 1 minute.  Scrape down the sides.  Gradually add remaining chocolate mixture, one half at a time, beating for 20 seconds after each addition.  Scrape down the sides.

Place batter in greased and floured 8” square baking pan, smoothing the surface with a spatula.

Bake 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of batter comes out clean.

Let cake cool in pan 30 minutes, invert on cooling rack.  Let cool at room temperature for 30 minutes, then cover and chill in refrigerator until cold.  (Cold cakes are much easier to cut.)

To form the triangle, place cake on a flat surface and with a sharp knife cut through the cake from top left corner to bottom cake center.  Then cut through the cake from top right corner to bottom cake center, forming a triangle.  Remove left and right triangle halves, placing them straight edges together on flat cake plate.  Spread with frosting, top with whole triangle. covering entire cake with frosting, decorating with candies.

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