Connect, Observe, Ignite: Crafting Kids’ NF That Changes the World

Connect, Observe, Ignite: Crafting Kids’ NF That Changes the World

Nonfiction is a great choice for authors, not only because of its kid-appeal and marketability, but also because it’s fun to write. As more and more readers are drawn to nonfiction, this genre provides an opportunity to connect with the environment, to delve deep into how the world works, and to explore ways to make a positive impact.

This webinar dives deep into steps, structure, and tips for creating astounding nonfiction: choosing a knock-your-socks-off idea, researching a high-concept topic, incorporating role models, embracing diversity and inclusiveness, and observing the world with an open heart. In order to understand, how does one find and then approach experts in the field? How can writers incorporate what experts say in a meaningful and engaging way? What are the steps for writing powerful messages without being didactic?

Books in the Eat Your Homework series

Ann shares her experience and methods for writing meaningful nonfiction with a goal for drawing kids in and inspiring action. This webinar provides participants with ready-to-go tools for writing engaging nonfiction and demystifies the process of writing meaningful nonfiction. Because our youngest readers are our greatest hope for good, as writers, it’s our mission to touch lives and kindle aspirational change.

Who should take this class: 

  • Work-for-hire authors looking to write nonfiction for the trade market
  • Experienced fiction writers and novelists who want to break into nonfiction
  • Journalists looking to write for kids 
  • Anyone who loves children’s nonfiction and wants to make an impact with their writing


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